Java Facts

 Top 10 JAVA Programming Interesting Facts

1. Java is a high-level programming language created by James Gosling in 1991.
2. Java name comes from the tree called “Oak”. Which means strength.
3. Java Symbol is Coffee-Java is a aromatic coffee seed.
4. Java is the second most popular programming language (First is C).
5. Java is a Case-Sensitive Language.
6. Some real-life applications-Google Maps, Skype, Angry Birds game etc.
7. Java is a Platform Independent Language.
8. Java is highly paid language.
9. Jobs based on Web Developer, Testing, Data Analysis etc.
10. Java rationally runs on more than 1 billion as the Android operating system of Google uses Java APIs.

Domains catered by Java- Data Science, Computer graphics,big data, Machine learning, Internet of things (IoT).

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